We want to set a good example to make the wine industry more ecological and sustainable. Through our Fair and Green membership, we are making our contribution to a sustainable future.

We are Fair and Green certified! This means that we are continuously improving our already high standards in terms of climate and environmental protection through our many years of “controlled environmentally friendly” vineyard management. We are focusing on the soils on which our vines grow with our range. To ensure that this remains possible in years to come, we need to protect these soils, among other things.

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Not only our soils are the basis for our wines, insects and their biodiversity are also necessary to maintain the vineyard ecosystem. A drastic reduction in CO2 emissions to at least mitigate the consequences of climate change is also very much in the interests of agriculture, as our industry is also affected by extreme weather conditions. With our Fair and Green membership, we are monitored by an independent committee and at the same time we receive comprehensive advice and support for a more sustainable approach to our natural environment. So that future generations also have a planet worth living on.

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What does that mean for us?Our Fair and Green membership ensures that we are constantly improving and that our progress in terms of climate and environmental protection is monitored annually by a committee. We receive many new suggestions for a more sustainable way of working in our company. There is also a lively exchange with other members, which means that we are able to find more creative solutions to the complex problems that climate protection can entail.

Specifically, since becoming a member of Fair and Green, we have provided a safe home for insects through the colorful biodiversity of our vineyard soils. We have drastically reduced the use of pesticides. Saving water and also working on our digitalization, among other things.
What does this mean for you as a customer? For you, the Fair and Green seal ensures that you are buying a wine that has been produced in harmony with nature and not opposed to it. We are not perfect, we are not climate-neutral and there is no simple solution to many complex climate protection problems. Implementation takes time… but you can rest assured: We are doing our best and are always improving slightly.

It is not only in everyone’s interest, but it is also in our interest as winegrowers that nature and the ecosystem remain intact, because that is the working basis for our passion – making wine.
What does this mean for the environment and our future?In the near future, we will feel the effects of climate change more and more and we will have to adapt ourselves and our way of farming. We will be committed to biodiversity and soil conservation. Sustainable grape varieties will become increasingly important. With all these measures, we are doing our part to combat climate change.

You can find more information about Fair and Green at: www.fairandgreen.de
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We want to set a good example to make winemaking more ecological and sustainable. Through our Fair and Green membership, we are making our contribution to a sustainable future.

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